GSA PTO Wish List
Help teachers fulfill items for their classroom by purchasing items on their wish list!
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Recent Activities
Join Our 3rd Ummah Bazaar on November 30th @3pm @ICBR
You are invite to Open Mosque Day!
Uncomfortable Truths Symposium
Hosted @ ICBR Presented by Muslim Legal Fund of America...
ICBR Saturday Family Night
Please bring your family and friends!
Weekend Quran School Program is back!
Quran Recitation & Memorization Classes taught by Shk. Abdalla Samy Weekly Schedule FridaysLevel 1 (5:00 pm – 6:30...
Fundamental Principles for Understanding Hadith
ICBR Sisterhood Presents a Fireside Chat
2nd Ummah Bazaar is Here
Join us this Saturday, August 31st, from 4 PM to 10 PM for the 2nd UMMAH BAZAAR! Bring the whole family for an evening...
Ummah Bazaar
Please Join us at ICBR on July 27th. Bring your Family and Friends!