Friday Feb. 10th 6:30 – 10:00pm
Saturday Feb. 11th 11:00am – 5:00pm
Lecture 1: Friday
“Verily, leaving your inheritors rich after your death is better than leaving them dependants, begging people”. (Surat Al Room 30:21)
This seminar is a consideration for:
1. Wealth managers with Muslim clients
2. Parents who want to save for their kids’ higher education, and are concerned about student loans
3. Investors looking for Halal opportunities, especially in the stock market
The important teachings in this seminar:
1. The importance of having Halal income
2. How to purify your wealth from Haram
3. Financial decision making for individuals & investors
4. Bank-free financing: different Islamic modes of finance
5. Halal stock market. 6. Socially responsible investments
7. Status of life insurance
8. Options for pension plans
Time Frame: This lecture will last up to 3 hours: 1. 3 sessions; each one lasting for 45 minutes 2. 15 minute break after each session
Seminar Materials: A handout summary will be provided
Lecture 2: Saturday
Those who devour usury will not stand except as stands one whom the Satan by his touch hath driven to madness. That is because they say: Trade is just like usury; whereas Allah permitted trading and forbade usury. Surat Al-Baqara; 275
ٰٓO you who believe, be conscious to Allah and leave what remains of the usurious money (you generated) if you were ever faithful. So if you don’t refrain, then be announced of a war from Allah and His messenger. Surat Al-Baqara; 278-279
This seminar is a consideration for:
1. College students who are looking for student loans
2. People who are interested in buying their own home
3. Car dealers who want to finance for their clients Islamically
4. Business workers dealing with credit /debit cards, cashing checks, warranty purchases, currency exchanges, and etc.
5. Those who have 401(K) plan, and want Halal investment alternatives
6. Those with extra money interested in a savings or checking account.
7. Those who are involved with interest 8. Imams receiving many questions about Riba
The important teachings in this seminar:
1. Introduction to Islamic Finance
2. Difference between Halal and Haram for certain financing
3. Process of buying a house via mortgage
4. Basic jurisprudential rules of usury in Islam
5. Using credit cards, and to what extent it is permissible
6. The permissibility of having a saving and checking account
7. Dealing with one’s 401(K) plan
8. How to avoid Riba
Time Frame: This lecture will last up to 5 hours: 1. 2 sessions; each of them lasting 2 hours 2. 10 minute Q&A after each session
Seminar Materials: A handout summary will be provided