Oct 22, 2015 | Community News, General, Masjid, School

ICBR Martial Art Class

Martial ArtCome join us to learn and practice this art in a safe and inspiring environment.

Aikido is a non-confrontational, non-violent, and the purest form of a self defense martial art.
Mentally, it trains to consistently be aware of all our surroundings and helps increase our focus to handle the energy of an attack before it happens.
Aikido turns aggressive situations into harmonious ones without the violence inherent in other martial arts.
It is an effective means of self defense and also a vehicle for personal refinement and discovery.

Age 5 and up

Tuesdays & Thursdays 4:00 – 5:30pm
$75 per month
$20 one time registration fee
$35 children uniform
$50 Adults uniform

We accept only credit card or void check for payment
For more info pleas call ICBR 561-395-7221 or email us at masjid@icbr.org



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