Dec 15, 2016 | Community News, General, Masjid

January Family Night with Dr. Noureen

energy-drinks-and-performance-enhancersSaturday Jan 7th, 2017

You are invited to our family night with Dr. Noureen Asad who will speak about

Energy Drinks and Performance Enhancers…Know the Risks.


Energy drinks are widely promoted as products that increase alertness and enhance physical and mental performance. They are

cheap, legal, and socially acceptable.

How about Performance Enhancers? Are you hoping to gain a competitive edge by taking performance-enhancing drugs?

Learn how these drugs work and how they can affect your health.  Join Dr. Noureen Asad Saturday, January 7th

learn what you really need to know about the risks of these Energy Drinks and Performance Enhancers.

Teenagers and Young Adults are strongly encourage to attend.

Dinner will be served compliments of Muslim Youth club (MYC) 

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