Nov 22, 2016 | Community News, Masjid, Outreach

South Florida MIST KICKOFF Sat 12/3 6:00-7:30pm @ICBR

mist-foflo-boca-fm1South Florida MIST KICKOFF

The Muslim InterScholastic Tournament

Saturday, December 3



We would love to invite the community’s youth and their parents to our first MIST meeting of the year.

Our kickoff meeting is to discuss this amazing opportunity for our high school youth to be a part of the Muslim Inter-Scholastic Tournament.  It is a chance for them to showcase their talents and skills in a variety of competitions.  We will be discussing details about the competition.

MIST is a scholastic tournament combining many aspects of the academic arena.   This includes Quranic recitation, math olympics, art, writing, and speech.  The tournament also contains a team basketball competition.

This is a chance to bring all the Muslim youth in the area together to develop leadership, promote communication, and inspire creativity while gaining an understanding of Islam and Muslims.

On the day of our KICKOFF we will also be hosting a BASKETBALL SHOOT-OFF CHALLENGE.  Winners will receive amazing prizes.

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