25 years and under
December 18th, 2021 at 6:30 pm
Group prizes:
1st $1000
2nd $600
3rd $400
Family Night Menu: BBQ Chicken
Face Mask Required Inside Masjid
Section 1: Seerah
Makkan Era
1- Which two people in Makkah did Prophet Muhammed (saw) make dua that one of them convert to Islam?
Abu Jahl and ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khatta (RA)
2- Which of Prophet Muhammed’s uncles was harshest against Islam?
Abu Lahab
3- Who led the people of Makkah in their hatred of Islam?
Abu Jahl
4- Why couldn’t the people of Makkah physically attack Prophet Muhammed (saw)?
His uncle Abu Talib was protecting him
5- Was slavery a common practice in Pre-Islamic Arabia?
6- Who did Quraysh send to speak to the king of Abyssinia?
‘Amr Ibn Al-‘Aas (ra)
7- Which Qurayshi tribe did Prophet Muhammed (saw) belong to?
Banu Hashim
8- Did the people of Makkah respect and love Prophet Muhammed (saw) before he became a prophet?
9- Which angel did Prophet Muhammed (saw) meet in the cave of Hira?
Angel Jibril (as)
10- Did Prophet Muhammed (saw) start preaching Islam openly as soon as he became a prophet?
11- Who was Prophet Muhammed (saw) addressing when he said Zamiluni (cover me)?
His wife, Khadija (ra)
12- For how many years did the call of Islam remain a secret in Makkah?
Three years
13- When the Quraysh placed camel guys on the Prophet Muhammed’s (saw) back at the Ka’bah, who came to remove it?
His daughter, Fatimah (ra)
14- Who converted to Islam through Abu Bakr’s (ra) Da’wah?
‘Uthman Ibn ‘Affan (ra)
15- Did the people of Makkah physically attack all converts to Islam or just those who were weaker than them?
They only physically attacked those who were weaker than them
16- Did Prophet Muhammed’s (saw) parents receive the message of Islam from him?
17- Which companion immediately believed the story of Al-Isra and Mi’raj when he heard it?
Abu Bakr (ra)
18- What is the Mi’raj?
Prophet Muhammed’s (saw) miraculous ascension to the Heavens
19- What is Al-Isra?
Prophet Muhammed’s (saw) miraculous night journey to Jerusalem
20- Which disbeliever from Makkah does Surah Al-Muddaththir speak about?
Walid Ibn Mugheirah
21- Which early convert was from the tribe of Ghifar?
Abu Dhar Al-Ghifari (ra)
22- Which community threw stones at the Prophet Muhammed (saw) when he presented the message of Islam to them?
23- Why did Prophet Muhammed (saw) choose Abyssinia for the Hijrah?
Because Abyssinia had a just ruler
24- Did the father of Abu Hudhayfah (ra) convert to Islam?
25- Did the pagans of Makkah believe in life after death?
26- Did the pagans of Makkah believe that Allah (swt) was the Creator of the heavens and Earth?
27- How did the Muslims of Makkah react to being tortured and oppressed?
They reacted with Sabr and firm believe
28- Who was beaten up with shoes outside the Ka’bah for protecting Prophet Muhammed (saw)?
Abu Bakr (ra)
29- Did the mother of Abu Bakr (ra) convert to Islam?
30- Who accompanied Prophet Muhammed (saw) to Taif?
Zayd Ibn Harithah (ra)
31- Did Prophet Muhammed (saw) marry ‘Aishah (ra) in Makkah or Madinah?
32- Which Qurayshi leader once placed camel guys on Prophet Muhammed’s (saw) back while he was praying at the Ka’bah?
Abu Jahl
33- How many people of Madinah attended the first pledge of ‘Aqabah?
Twelve people
34- How many years did Prophet Muhammed (saw) live in Makkah after becoming a prophet?
Thirteen years
35- Who killed Sumayyah bint Khayyat (ra)?
Abu Jahl
36- Who were the two important people who passed away in the year of sorrow?
Khadijah Bint Khuwaylid (ra) and Abu Talib
37- In which cave did Prophet Muhammed (saw) receive the first revelation?
The cave of Hira
38- Which angel came to Prophet Muhammed (saw) in the cave with the first revelation?
Angel Jibril (as)
39- Which uncle of Prophet Muhammed (saw) raised him?
Abu Talib
40- Who did Prophet Muhammed (saw) choose to accompany him on the Hijrah?
Abu Bakr (ra)
41- Who did the Prophet Muhammed (saw) leave behind in his place when he made the Hijrah?
‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra)
42- How old was ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra) when he converted to Islam?
Ten years old
43- Was Mus’ab Ibn ‘Umayr (ra) an early convert to Islam in Makkah?
44- Did Waraqah Ibn Nawfal reject the message of Islam?
45- Was Sa’id Ibn Zayd (ra) an early convert to Islam in Makkah?
46- How old was ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (ra) when he converted to Islam?
47- Which person decided who will place the black stone in the Ka’bah when the Arabs were rebuilding the Ka’bah?
Prophet Muhammed (saw)
48- Before Islam, were the Arabs considered a powerful nation by others?
49- Which day did Prophet Muhammed (saw) consider the list difficult in his life?
The day he visited Taif
50- Which nation ruled over Syria at the time of Property Muhammed (saw)?
The Romans
51- In the Pre-Islamic Arabia, did women have the right to inheritance?
52- From whom did Sa’d Ibn Abi Waqqas (ra) accept Islam?
Abu Bakr (ra)
53- Which companion was tortured with heated iron all over his body during the Makkan Era?
Khabbab Ibn Al-Arat (ra)
54- Which Shepherd was mocked by Abu Jahl after he converted to Islam?
‘Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud
55- Who discovered the Zam Zam well after it was lost?
‘Abdul Muttalib
56- Who was the great grandfather of Prophet Muhammed (saw)?
57- Which of the following week an early convert to Islam in Makkah? A) ‘Amr Ibn Al-‘Aas B) ‘Abbas Ibn ‘Abdul Muttalib C) Abu ‘Ubaydah Ibn Al-Jarrah D) Walid Ibn Mugheirah
(C) Abu ‘Ubaydah Ibn Al-Jarrah
58- What stopped ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (ra) from his plan to find the Prophet Muhammed (saw) and kill him?
He found out that his sister and brother in law converted to Islam
59- How many years did the boycott in Makkah last?
Three years
60- Why did some Muslims return to Makkah after the first migration?
Because of the rumor that the Quraysh had converted to Islam
61- How many times did Prophet Muhammed (saw) see Angel Jibril (as) in his true form?
62- What is the name of the wet nurse that raised Prophet Muhammed (saw) when he was a baby?
Halimah Bint Abi Dhuayb
63- Who purchased and freed Khabbab Ibn Al-Arat (ra)
Abu Bakr (ra)
64- What was Abu Jahl known as among his followers?
Abu Hakam
65- What was the first job that Prophet Muhammed (saw) did when he was young?
He was a shepherd
66- Umayyah Ibn Khalaf was the chief of which tribe?
Banu Jumah
67- Walid Ibn Mugheirah was the chief of which tribe?
Banu Makhzum
68- From which Prophet Muhammed (saw) a descendant?
Prophet Isma’il (as)
69- Why didn’t any wet nurse want to take Prophet Muhammed (saw) when he was a baby?
Because he was an orphan and did not have any wealth
70- In which year after Prophethood did Prophet Muhammed (saw) meet the first converts from Madinah?
11th year after Prophethood
71- In which year after Prophethood did the second pledge of ‘Aqabah occur?
13th year after Prophethood
72- In which year after Prophethood did the first pledge of ‘Aqabah occur?
12th year after Prophethood
73- What decision did the people of Madinah make when the second pledge of ‘Aqabah occurred?
They decided they want to protect Prophet Muhammed (saw)
74- After the second pledge of ‘Aqabah, how many more pledges took place at ‘Aqabah?
75- Did Prophet Muhammed (saw) marry any woman besides Khadijah (ra) during the Makkan Era?
Yes, after her death
76- What was the reward for capturing Prophet Muhammed (saw) while he was migrating?
100 camels.
77- How many times did Prophet Muhammed (saw) visit Abyssinia?
78- Did ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (ra) migrate to Madinah before, after or with Prophet Muhammed (saw)?
79- In which month of the Islamic calendar did the incident of the elephant take place in Makkah?
80- Who’s wife was Umm Jamil?
Abu Lahab
81- Did the wife of Abu Lahab convert to Islam?
82- Did the wife of Abu Talib convert to Islam?
83- What happened when Surayqah Ibn Malik (ra) tried to catch Prophet Muhammed (saw) during the migration?
His horse couldn’t move
84- Who freed the early convert Salim (ra)?
Abu Hudhayfah (ra)
85- Which son of Abu Talib migrated to Abyssinia?
Jafar (ra)
86- In which year did Abu Talib pass away?
10th year after Prophethood
87- Did Abu Talib accept Islam before passing away?
88- In which year did Khadijah (ra) pass away?
10th year after Prophethood
89- Which year after Prophethood is known as the year of sorrow?
10th year after Prophethood
90- How did the Quran describe the level of education of Prophet Muhammed (saw)?
91- Who said to Prophet Muhammed (saw) In Makkah, “Go and preach what you wish, for by Allah, I will never forsake you”?
Abu Talib
92- In whose house did ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra) grow up?
Prophet Muhammed (saw)
93- Did Prophet Muhammed (saw) build any mosques while living in Makkah?
94- Was the Adhan first introduced in Makkah?
95- Was Khabbab Ibn Al-Arat (ra) from the early or late converts of Makkah?
Early converts
96- Was Sa’d Ibn Abi Waqqas (ra) from the early or late converts of Makkah?
Early converts
97- Which companion did Prophet Muhammed (saw) initially adopt as a son?
Zayd Ibn Harithah (ra)
98- To which family in Makkah did Prophet Muhammed (saw) give glad tidings of Paradise?
The family of Yasir (ra)
99- On which day of the week was Prophet Muhammed (saw) born?
100- Did the Isra and Mi’raj events occur in the same night or different nights?
On the same night
101- Which uncle of Prophet Muhammed (saw) converted to Islam during the Makkan Era?
Hamzah (ra)
102- What was the first ‘Aqabah pledge about?
The people of Madinah pledged to spread the message of Islam to their people
103- How many pledges of Aqabah happened during the Makkan Era?
104- Who did Prophet Muhammed (saw) choose to go to Madinah to teach Islam?
Mus’ab Ibn’Umayr (ra)
105- How many people of Madinah embraced Islam from the first group who heard the message?
Six people
106- Which companion was famous for purchasing and freeing Muslim slaves during the early Makkan Era?
Abu Bakr (ra)
107- At what age did Prophet Muhammed (saw) received the first revelation?
108- Who was the first Muslim to pull out his sword in defense of Islam?
Zubar Ibn Awwam (ra)
109- We’re the number of people who converted to Islam in the Makkan Era very few when compared to the number that converted in the Madinan Era?
110- At what age did Prophet Muhammed (saw) first get married ?
Twenty five years
111- Was Suhail Ibn ‘Amr an enemy of Islam during the Makkan Era?
112- We’re any of the Quraysh leaders killed by any Muslims during the Makkan Era?
113- What was Abu Jahl’s name?
‘Amr Ibn Hisham
114- Who kept ‘Ayyash Ibn Abi Rabi’ah (ra) as a prisoner after he converted to Islam?
His cousin, Abu Jahl
115- Who was beaten up by the pagans in Makkah but refused to eat or drink until he saw that Prophet Muhammed (saw) was unharmed?
Abu Bakr (ra)
116- Who did Khadijah (ra) take Prophet Muhammed (saw) to when he received the first revelation?
Her cousin, Waqarah Ibn Nawfal
117- What significant event happened to Prophet Muhammed (saw) when he was 4yrs old?
The first splitting of his chest and washing of his heart by the angels
118- Why did Prophet Muhammed (saw) go to Taif?
To seek support against the disbelievers of Makkah
119- Did ‘Uthman Ibn Affan (ra) migrate to Abyssinia?
120- Who led the first group of Muslims who migrated to Abyssinia from Makkah?
‘Uthman Ibn Affan
121- Was the prohibition of gambling revealed in Makkah or Madinah?
122- Which optional Salah was originally compulsory for Prophet Muhammed (saw)?
123- The surahs of the Quran that focused generally on beliefs and not law’s we’re Makkan or Madinan surahs?
124- Did ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (ra) migrate to Abyssinia?
125- How many times did the sahabah make Hijrah to Abyssinia?
126- Did Prophet Muhammed (saw) migrate to Abyssinia?
127- What was the religion of Abyssinia at the time of Prophet Muhammed (saw)?
128- Which important person from Abyssinia converted to Islam?
The king
129- Did Mus’ab Ibn’Umayr (ra) migrate to Abyssinia?
130- Did the people of Makkah believe in Allah (swt) before Islam reached them?
131- Who oppressed Bilal Ibn Rabah (ra) in Makkah?
Umayyah Ibn Khalaf
132- Who was the most famous slave who converted to Islam in Makkah?
Bilal Ibn Rabah (ra)
133- What was the first revelation that Prophet Muhammed (saw) received?
The first five verses of Surah Al-‘Alaq
134- Which two uncle’s of the Prophet Muhammed (saw) protected him from the Quraysh in the early years?
Abu Talib and Hamzah
135- Which category of people did Prophet Muhammed (saw) first give Da’wah to?
His close relatives
136- In the early years of Islam, was the Da’wah open or secret?
137- On which mountain did Prophet Muhammed (saw) first deliver the message of Islam?
138- Which uncle of the Prophet (saw) interrupted his first Da’wah and became angry at his message?
Abu Lahab
139- Which land did Muslims first migrate to?
140- Who did the Quraysh ask to speak to Prophet Muhammed (saw) on their behalf to tell him to stop spreading the message of Islam?
Abu Talib
141- In whose home would Prophet Muhammed (saw) teach Islam during the early years?
Arqam Ibn Abi Arqam (ra)
142- How old was Abu Bakr (ra) when he converted to Islam?
143- Which prophet did the people of Makkah claim to follow?
Prophet Ibrahim (as)
144- Who did Prophet Muhammed (saw) go to comfort after receiving the first revelation?
His wife, Khadijah (ra)
145- Who was the first person to kill a Muslim in Makkah?
Abu Jahl
146- Which uncle of Prophet Muhammed (saw) was most hostile to Islam?
Abu Lahab
147- Which uncle of Prophet Muhammed (saw) is mentioned by name in the Quran?
Abu Lahab
148- What was Prophet Muhammed’s (saw) response when the angel in the cave told him to read?
“I cannot read”
149- Was Alcohol commonly consumed among the pagans of Makkah?
150- What terrible act would some pagans of Makkah do to their daughters?
Bury them alive as children
Family & Caliphs
1- Who was the first wife of Prophet Muhammad (saw)?
Khadijah Bint Khuwayled (ra)
2- What title is given to the wives of Prophet Muhammad (saw)?
Mothers of the Believers (Ummuhatul Mu’minin)
3- Who were the grandsons of Prophet Muhammad (saw) whose mother was Fatimah (ra)?
Hassan and Hussayn (ra)
4- Who was the father of Hassan (ra)?
‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra)
5- Which uncle of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was known as the “Lion of Allah”?
Hamzah (ra)
6- How many children did Prophet Muhammad (saw) have?
7- what was the name of Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) Grandfather?
‘Abdul Muttalib
8- Who took care of prophet Muhammad (saw) after his grandfather passed away?
His uncle, Abu Talib
9- Who was the father of Hussayn (ra)?
‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra)
10- Who was the second daughter of Prophet Muhammad (saw)?
Ruqayyah (ra)
11- What is the Arabic word used to refer to the family of Prophet Muhammad (ra)?
12- Which companion married two of Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) daughters?
‘Uthman Ibn ‘Affan (ra)
13- When asked by ‘Amr Ibn Al-‘Aas whom he loved the most, what was Prophet Muhammad’s (sw) response?
‘Aishah Bint Abi Bakr (ra)
14- Who was the second son of Prophet Muhammad (saw)?
‘Abdullah (ra)
15- Who was the firstborn child of Prophet Muhammad (saw)?
Qasim (ra)
16- Who was the eldest daughter of Prophet Muhammad (saw)/
Zaynab (ra)
17- Who was the last of Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) children to pass away?
Fatimah (ra)
18- From which daughter does the lineage of Prophet Muhammad (saw) continue through?
Fatimah (ra)
19- Who was Fatimah (ra) married to?
‘Ali Ibn abi Talib (ra)
20- Which son of Abu Talib was raised in the house of Prophet (saw)?
‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra)
21- Who was the third rightly guided Caliph?
‘Uthman Ibn ‘Affan (ra)
22- When did Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) father pass away?
Before he was born
23- Who was the first rightly guided Caliph?
Abu Bakr (ra)
24- How many daughters did Prophet Muhammad (saw) have?
25- How many sons did Prophet Muhammad (saw) have?
26- Which freed slave chose Prophet Muhammad (saw) over his own father?
Zayd Ibn Harithah (ra)
27- Who was the mother of Prophet Muhammad (saw)?
28- Who was the father of Prophet Muhammad (saw)?
29- Who was the second rightly guided Caliph?
‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (ra)
30- Who was the fourth rightly guided Caliph?
‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra)
31- Which companion was considered the most modest, and even the felt shy in front of him?
‘Uthman Ibn ‘Affan (ra)
32- Who was the last son of prophet Muhammad (saw) to pass away?
33- Which wife of Prophet Muhammad (saw) narrated the most hadiths?
‘Aishah Bint Abi Bakr (ra)
34- Did Prophet Muhammad (saw) have any descendants from his sons?
35- Which daughter of prophet Muhammad (saw) made Hijrah to Abyssinia with ‘Uthman Ibn ‘Affan (ra)?
Ruqayyah (ra)
36- Which companion was considered as Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) closest friend?
Abu Bakr (ra)
37- How many of Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) wives passed away during his lifetime?
38- What was he name of Zayd Ibn Harithah’s (ra) son that Prophet Muhammad (saw) treated like his own grandson?
Usamah Ibn Zayd (ra)
39- How many of Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) wives were alive when he passed away?
40- Which son of Abu Bakr (ra) assisted him during the Hijrah?
‘Abdullah (ra)
41- Which daughter of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the first to pass away?
Ruqayyah (ra)
42- Which son of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the first to pass away?
Qasim (ra)
43- Which child of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the first to pass away?
Qasim (ra)
44- Did any of Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) daughters pass away during the Makkan Era?
45- What was the ruling on marrying Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) wives after his death?
It was prohibited
46- Who was the mother of ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra)?
Fatimah Bint Asad (ra)
47- Which uncle of the prophet Muhammad (saw) was taken prisoner at the Battle of Badr?
‘Abbas (ra)
48- Which of the four Caliphs died a natural death?
Abu Bakr (ra)
49- Which wife of Prophet Muhammad (saw) led aan army during the civil war?
‘Aishah Bint Abi Bakr (ra)
50- Who were the four rightly guided Caliphs?
Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, ‘Uthman and ‘Ali (ra)
51- Which wife of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was married to him through the Quran?
Zaynab Bint Jahsh (ra)
52- Which wife did Prophet Muhammad (saw) marry after the conquest of Khaybar?
Safiyyah Bint Hayay (ra)
53- Prophet Muhammad (saw) had a dream that he should marry which of his wives?
’Aishah Bint Abi Bakr (ra)
54- Which wife of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was not previously married?
‘Aishah Bint Abi Bakr (ra)
55- Who was the fourth woman that Prophet Muhammad (saw) married?
Hafsah Bint ‘Umar (ra)
56- Which grandson of prophet Muhammad (saw) was martyred at the Karbala ?
Hussayn Ibn ‘Ali (ra)
57- Who did Prophet Muhammad (saw) prophecize would make peace between two Muslim groups?
His grandson, Hassan ibn ‘Ali (ra)
58- Who ordered for the Quran to be compiled and bounded into one volume?
Abu Bakr (ra)
59- Which Caliph Standardized the Quran and had copies distributed across the Muslim nation?
‘Uthman Ibn ‘Affan (ra)
60- Did any of Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) wives remarry after his death?
61-Which two paternal uncles of Prophet Muhammad (saw) converted to Islam?
Hamzah and ‘Abbas (ra)
62- Which daughter of Abu Sufiyan was married to Prophet Muhammad (saw)?
Umm Habibah (ra)
63- Which daughter of ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (ra) was married to Prophet Muhammad (saw)?
Hafsah (ra)
64- Which daughter of Abu Bakr (ra) was married to the Prophet (saw)?
‘Aishah (ra)
65- Who did the Prophet Muhammad (saw) marry first after the death of Khadijah (ra)?
Sawdah Bint Zam’a (ra)
66- Which wife of Prophet Muhammad (saw) became the custodian of the Quran?
Hafsah Bint ‘Umar (ra)
67- How was ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Abbas (ra) related to prophet Muhammad (saw)?
They were first cousins (their fathers were brothers)
68- Who ordered his sons to break engagement with Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) daughters?
Abu Lahab
69- Who was the first wife of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to pass away after him?
Zaynab Bint Jahsh (ra)
70- Which wife of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was married to him while she was living in Abyssinia?
Umm Habibah (ra)
71- Who did Prophet Muhammad (saw) refer to as the leaders of the youth of Paradise?
Hassan and Hussayn (ra)
72- At whose death was there an eclipse?
Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad (saw)
73- Which descendant of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the teacher of Imam Abu Hanifa (ra)?
Imam Jafar As-Sadiq (ra)
74- Which two sons of Abu Talib converted o Islam?
Jafar and ‘Ali (ra)
75- In which month of the Islamic calendar was Hussayn Ibn ‘Ali (ra) martyred?
76- What was Umm Habibah’s name?
Ramla (ra)
77- Who was the last woman that Prophet Muhammad (saw) married?
Maymuna Bint Al-Harith (ra)
78- During which caliph’s reign did the Muslims initially conquer Jerusalem?
‘Umar Ibn al-Khattab (ra)
79- How many years did Abu Bakr (ra) serve as a Caliph?
Two and half years
80- How many years did ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (ra) serve as a Caliph?
Ten years
81- How many years did ‘Uthman (ra) serve as Caliph?
12 years
82- How many years did ‘Ali (ra) serve as a Caliph?
Four and half years
83- How long was Hassan (ra) a Caliph for?
6 months
84- During which Caliph’s reign did the Muslims conquer Egypt?
‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (ra)
85- Who did Prophet Muhammad (saw) refer to as the leaders of the elders who go to Paradise?
Abu Bakr and ‘Umar (ra)
86- During which Caliph’s reign did the first Muslim navy sail out?
‘Uthman Ibn ‘Affan (ra)
87- During which Caliph’s reign did the companions defeat Musaylamah Al-Khazzab?
Abu Bakr (ra)
88- Which two paternal uncles of Prophet Muhammad (saw) died as pagans?
Abu Lahab and Abu Talib?
89- Who did Prophet Muhammad (saw) refer to as the leader of the Women of Paradise?
Fatima Bint Muhammad (saw)
90- Which of the wives of Prophet Muhammad (saw) received greetings from Angel Jibrl (as)?
Khadijah and ‘Aishah (ra)
91- Who was the mother of Hafsah Bint ‘Umar (ra)?
Zaynab Bint Madhun
92- Who was the mother of ‘Aishah Bint Abi Bakr (ra)?
Umm Ruman Bint Amir (ra)
93- Which daughter of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was initially married to Utaybah Ibn Abi Lahab?
Umm Kulthum (ra)
94- During the reign of which Caliph did ‘Aishah (ra) pass away?
Muawiyah Ibn Abi Sufiyan (ra)
95- What is the name of the battle that took place between the armies of ‘Ali (ra) and ‘Aishah (ra)?
The Battle of Jamal (the camel)
96- What is the name of the battle that too place between the armies of ‘Ali (ra) and Muawiyah (ra)?
The Battle of Siffin
97- Which of prophet Muhammad’s (saw) descendants held the position of Caliph?
Hassan Ibn ‘Ali (ra)
98- What two acts of worship was ‘Uthman Ibn ‘Affan (ra) doing when he was martyred?
He was fasting and reciting Quran
99- In which month of the Islamic calendar was ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra) martyred?
100- Which daughter of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was married to Abul Aas (ra)?
Zaynab (ra)
101- In which month of the Islamic calendar was ‘Uthman Ibn ‘Affan (ra) martyred?
Dhul Hijjah
102- When did Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) uncle ‘Abbas (ra) convert to Islam?
At the conquest of Makkah
103- Initially, who did Prophet Muhammad (saw) ask Zaynab Bint Jahsh (ra) to marry?
Zayd Ibn Harithah (ra)
104- Which aunt of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was an early convert to Islam?
Safiyyah Bint ‘Abdul Muttalib (ra)
105- Who was the father of Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) great grandfather Fatimah As-Sughrah?
Hussayn Ibn ‘Ali (ra)
106- Who is commonly known as the fifth of the rightly guided Caliphs?
‘Umar Ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz (ra)
107- Around the time of which battle did Ruqayyah (ra) pass away?
The Battle of Badr
108- During which Caliph’s reign did the first civil war take place?
‘Ali (ra)
109- During which Caliph’s reign did the wars of apostasy take place?
Abu Bakr (ra)
110- Which wife of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was previously married to Zayd Ibn Harithah (ra)?
Zaynab Bint Jahsh (ra)
111- Which daughter of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was initially married to Utbah Ibn Abu Lahab?
Ruqayyah (ra)
112- Who performed the nikkah between Prophet Muhammad (saw) and Umm Habibah (ra)?
The king of Abyssinia (ra)
113- Who was the cousin of Prophet Muhammad (saw) who became a famous hadith and tafsir scholar?
‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Abbas (ra)
114- Did Fatimah Bint Asad convert to Islam/
115-Which companion immediately believed the story of Isra and Mi’raj upon earing it?
Abu Bakr (ra)
116- During the reign of which king did Hussayn Ibn ‘Ali (ra) pass away?
Yazid Ibn Muawiyah
117- Which two wives of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was Surah At-Tahrim revealed about?
Hafsah and ‘Aishah (ra)
118- In which year after Hijrah did Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) daughter Umm Kulthum (ra) pass away?
9th year after Hijrah
119- During the reign of which Caliph did Hassan Ibn ‘Ali (ra) pass away?
Muawiyah Ibn Abi Sufiyan (ra)
120- By what name was Prophet Muhammad’s great grandson ‘Ali Ibn Hussayn (ra) more popularly known as?
Zayd Al-‘Abidin (ra)
121- What was the age difference between Prophet Muhammad (saw) and his uncle Hamzah (ra)?
Hamzah (ra) was 4 years older than the Prophet (saw)
122- How did ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (ra) pass away?
He was attacked by a fire-worshipper and stabbed while leading the Fajr Salah
123- What was the name of Abu Talib’s eldest son?
124- Which descendant of ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (ra) became a Caliph?
‘Umar Ibn ‘Abdul ‘Aziz
125- ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra) named some of his sons after which of the three Caliphs before him?
All three of them
126- Who was the father of Muhammad Ibn Al-Hanafiyah (ra)?
‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib
127- Which daughter of ‘Ali (ra) married ‘Abdullah Ibn Jafar (ra)?
Zaynab (ra)
128- Who were the 2 daughters of Fatimah Bint Muhammad (saw)?
Umm Kulthum and Zaynab (ra)
129- Which daughter of ‘Ali (ra) married ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (ra)?
Umm Kulthum Bint (ra)
130- Which son of Fatimah (ra) died as a baby?
Muhsin (ra)
131- What was he name of the wife of Abu Talib who raised Prophet Muhammad (saw) after his grandfather’s death?
Fatimah Bint Asad (ra)
132- Who was the mother Of ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Uthman (ra)?
Ruqayyah Bint Muhammad (ra)
133- What was the name of Prophet Muhammad’s (saw) granddaughter whose mother was Zaynab (ra)/
Umamah (ra)
134- Who was given the title ‘Leader of the martyr’s’?
Hamzah (ra)
135-Was Abu Jahl an uncle of Prophet Muhammad (saw)?
136- Which uncle of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was in charge of the Zam Zam well and distributing its water?
‘Abbas (ra)
137- Did all of Abu Talib’s sisters convert to Islam?
138- By what name was Hind Bint Abi Umayyah (ra) more commonly known as?
Umm Salamah (ra)
139- Which wife of Prophet Muhammad (saw) passed away during his life in Madinah?
Zaynab Bint Khuzayma (ra)
140- Which wife of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was known as the mother of the poor?
Zaynab Bint Khuzayma (ra)
141- Was it permissible for the family of Prophet Muhammad (saw) to accept gifts?
142- What were the family of Prophet Muhammad (saw) prohibited from taking?
Sadaqah (charity)
143- Which famous dynasty were the descendants of one of the uncles of Prophet Muhammad (saw)?
The Abbasids
144- Who did the people of Iraq choose as Caliph after ‘Ali (ra) passed away?
Hassan Ibn ‘Ali (ra)
145- How did ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib pass away?
He was assassinated while walking to the masjid for Fajr Salah
146- What was the age difference between Prophet (saw) and his uncle ‘Abbas (ra)?
‘Abbas (ra) was 3 years older than him
147-How did ‘Uthman Ibn ‘Affan (ra) pass away/
He was attacked in his home by Muslim rebels and killed
148-Which wife of Prophet Muhammad (saw) was of Jewish Origin?
Safiyyah Bint Huyay (ra)
149- Name all the daughters of Prophet Muhammad (saw)/
Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthum, Zaynab, and Fatimah (ra)
150- Who were the sons of Prophet Muhammad (saw)?
Qasim, ‘Abdullah, and Ibrahim (ra)
1. What is the Arabic term for the worship of God (Allah)?
Answer: “Ibaadah’
2. What is the English word used to translate the “Yawmu’l Qiyamah”?
Answer: Day of Resurrection
3. Islamic Calendar is based on which of the following cycle?
Answer: Lunar
4. The Declaration of Faith ‘La ilaha illala…” is known as what word in Arabic?
Answer: Shahada
5. Prayer is the __________ pillar of Islam
Answer: Second
6. Which of the following is NOT a surah in the Qur’an?
A. Al-An’am
B. Al-A’raf
C. Al-Anfal
D. Al-Abna’
Answer: D. Al-Abna’
7. On the day of judgement there will be seven types or categories of people that will receive which of the following?
A. Money
B. Food
C. Shade
D. Water
Answer: C. Shade
8. Who was the last of the four righteous caliphs?
Answer: Ali (r.a.)
9. Who was the first muezzin?
Answer: Bilal (r.a.)
10. The Declaration of Faith is one of the pillars of Islam. Which one?
A. Third
B. Fifth
C. Fourth
D. First
Answer: D. First
11. Under which of these names is Jesus (a.s.) known to the Muslims?
A. Yunus (a.s.)
B. Nuh (a.s.)
C. Isa (a.s.)
D. Azrael (a.s.)
Answer: C. Isa (a.s.)
12. Which of the following food and/or drinks are Muslims mainly not allowed to eat/drink?
A. beer and soda
B. wine and cow
C. pigeon and horse
D. alcohol and pig
Answer: D. alcohol and pig
13. The month that follows the Holy month of Ramadan in the Islamic calendar is called?
Answer: Shawwal
14. What is this ancient city’s name where the Mahdi will rule from?
Answer: Damascus
15. Jesus is said to appear when the Dajjal arrives into this world. Jesus will descend down from heaven with two angels carrying him; he will land on a white minaret. What country is this white minaret in, which Jesus will descend on?
A. Syria
B. Turkey
C. Israel
D. Egypt
Answer: A. Syria
16. What was the first sin on Earth described in Islam?
Answer: Murder
17. Muslims are forbidden to do which of the following?
A. Eat the flesh of swine
B. Consume alcohol
C. Partake of interest
D. All of these
Answer: D. All of these
18. “Al-salâtu khayru min an-naûm” is added in the call for morning prayers. What does this mean?
Answer: Prayer is better than sleep
19. What do you call the funeral prayer?
Answer: Salat-al-Janazaa
20. The Dajjal or anti-Christ will have one word written on his forehead. What is this word?
Answer: kufr
21. Gog and Magog will appear at the end of time and will slay mankind in a way that has never been seen. They will be so vast in number that when they go by a lake they will finish it, and the rest of the army still will not have tasted it. What lake will Gog and Magog be drinking out of?
Answer: Lake Tiberias
22. Which of these is, in the view of Muslims, NOT one of the “signs” of the Approach of the Day of Judgment?
A. Sunrise in the west
B. The Return of Jesus
C. The Conversion of the Jews to Islam
D. Air pollution
Answer: C The Conversion of the Jews to Islam
23. The first of the five daily prayers is called Fajr. This prayer is performed:
A. As the sun rises
B. At the break of dawn
C. Anywhere between 6:00 AM and noon
D. From the break of dawn until the sun begins to rise
Answer: D. From the break of dawn until the sun begins to rise
24. The people will not be able to move on the day of judgement until they answer … question(s) about how many matter(s)?
Answer: 5 These matters are: what they did in their youth, where they got money, how they spent the money, how they spent their life, and how much they used their knowledge.
25. What is the belief in the “oneness of God” termed?
Answer: Tawheed
26. In Islam, the pre-Islamic era is called what?
Answer: Jahiliyyah This is known as the period of unbelief or ignorance.
27. What was the name of the one who disobeyed Allah’s order that all angels and jinns should bow down to newly-created Adam, and was therefore banished from Allah’s Grace, and became a Tempter of Men?
Answer: Iblees
28. Muslims celebrate Eid al-Fitr in which of the following months?
A. Rajab
B. Rabi ul-Thani
C. Safar
D. Shawwal
Answer: D. Shawwal
29. “That the human being is created in the best of moulds” is a verse from Surat…
A. At-Takathur
B. At-Tin
C. Al-‘Asr
D. Al-Ma’un
Answer: B. At-Tin
30. What does Jahiliyyah mean?
A. Peace Treaty
B. Politeness
C. Ignorance
D. None of the above
Answer: C. Ignorance
31. One of the first martyrs of Islam was …..
A. Talha (r.a.)
B. Yasir (r.a.)
C. Hamza (r.a.)
D. Zainab (r.a.)
Answer: B Yasir (r.a.)
32. 8) The believers used to meet secretly at the house of ….. to learn about Islam.
A. Ammaar bin Yassir (r.a.)
B. Arqam ibn-abu-Al-Arqam (r.a.)
C. Bilal bin Rabah (r.a.)
D. Khabbab bin Arth (r.a.)
Answer: B. Arqam ibn-abu-Al-Arqam (r.a.)
33. The relationship between Prophet (a.s.) and his cousin …….. was broken when both had different beliefs.
A. Abu Lahab
B. Abu Talib
C. Abu Jahal
D. Abu Sufiyan
Answer: C. Abu Jahal
34. What constitutes “Hadith”?
A. Saying of the Prophet (a.s.)
B. The acts of Prophet (a.s.)
C. The approvals and disapproval’s of Prophet (a.s.)
D. All of the above
Answer: D. All of the above
35. A Muslim is forbidden to follow …
A. True knowledge
B. Scientific knowledge
C. Speculation
D. All of the above
Answer: C. Speculation
36. Islam’s ultimate purpose and aim is to …
A. Co-exist with all other systems peacefully
B. Awaken the humanity and establish a just society for all mankind
C. Negate all earlier versions of religion
D. All of the above
Answer: B. Awaken the humanity and establish a just society for all mankind
37. Nimrod argued with Prophet ……. concerning Allah and his tyranny and sovereignty overall his subjects except the heavens, the planets and the stars.
A. Musa (a.s.)
B. Yusuf (a.s.)
C. Yaqub (a.s.)
D. Ibrahim (a.s.)
Answer: D. Ibrahim (a.s.)
38. Which of the following is the general understanding of the word ‘Sunnah’?
A. The preserved teachings of Prophet Jesus (a.s.)
B. The important verses of the Quran
C. The teachings, sayings and life-example of Prophet Muhammad (a.s.)
D. B & C
Answer: C. The teachings, sayings and life-example of Prophet Muhammad (a.s.)
39. If a Muslim wants to stay as a guest with someone then he should not expect his hospitality to continue for more than …. days. (WT)
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer: B. 3
40. Which of the following statements describe the Quran accurately?
A. The Quran is the actual word of God revealed to Prophet Muhammad through Angel Gabriel.
B. The Quran exists in its original form, without the slightest alteration of letter, syllable, or word.
C. The Quran includes some of the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (a.s.).
D. A & B
Answer: D. A & B
41. “You are the best community which has been raised up for the guidance of mankind: you enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong.” The above statement is
A. A saying of Prophet Muhammad (a.s.)
B. A translation of a Qur’anic verse
C. A saying of Prophet Musa (a.s.)
D. A & B
Answer: B. A translation of a Qur’anic verse
42. If a Muslim breaks his oath, he must feed how many poor people and if he is not able then he must fast for how many days?
A. 10 people / 3 days
B. 3 people / 10 fasts
C. 3 people / 3 days
D. 10 people / 10 days
Answer: A. 10 people / 3 days
43. Which of the following books was given to Prophet Musa (a.s.)?
A. Zabur
B. Injeel
C. Torah
D. None of the above
Answer: C. Torah
44. Which one is the correct principle for Muslim men and women to dress?
A. To follow what is norm in the society
B. To dress distinctly to differentiate between Men and Women
C. To wear a different dress every day
D. All of the above
Answer: B. To dress distinctly to differentiate between Men and Women
45. To be considerate toward others and avoid harming them, he said “there should neither be harming nor reciprocating harm”. Whose quote it is?
A. Prophet Muhammad (a.s.)
B. Imam Ghazali
C. Prophet Isa (a.s.)
D. None of the above
Answer: A. Prophet Muhammad (a.s.)
46. Which of the following books was given to Prophet Dawood?
A. Zabur
B. Injeel
C. Torah
D. None of the above
Answer: A. Zabur
47. Which is NOT an article of faith in Islam:
A. Belief in the Oneness of God
B. Faith in the Books of God
C. Faith in God’s Prophets
D. Belief in one nation under God
Answer: D. Belief in one nation under God
48. Islamic law groups all human activities into _______
A. Fard and Haram
B. Fard, Makruh and Haram
C. Mandub, Mubah, Makruh and Haram
D. Fard, Mandub, Mubah, Makruh and Haram
Answer: D. Fard, Mandub, Mubah, Makruh and Haram
49. What does the Arabic word “Fiqh” mean?
A. Knowledge and understanding
B. Something obligatory in Islam
C. A straight path
D. Sayings of the Prophet (a.s.)
Answer: A. Knowledge and understanding
50. What is the one most important trait that we should look for in a spouse?
A. Beauty
B. Religious devotion
C. Wealth
D. Intelligence
Answer: B. Religious devotion
1) Which sahaba did Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) help to become free from being a slave by planting 300+ date palm trees?
- Bilal ibn Rabah (ra)
- Thawban ibn Bujdud (ra)
- Zayd ibn Harisa (ra)
- Salman al Farisi (ra) ✔️
2) What is the virtue of reciting Ayatul Kursi before going to bed at night to sleep?
- Takes away hunger
- Gives you strength
- You are protected from harm till sunrise ✔️
- House in Jannah
Abu Hurairah (r) said: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) appointed me to guard the zakaah of Ramadaan, then someone came and started rummaging in the foodstuff; and at the end of the hadeeth he said:
“When you go to your bed, recite Aayat al-Kursiy, for there will remain with you a guardian from Allah, and no devil will approach you, until morning comes.”
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “He told you the truth although he is a liar. That was a devil.” (Sahih al-Bukhaari 2311)
3) Which Prophet (as) had control of the Jinn and was able to talk to animals?
- Sulaiman (as) ✔️
- Dawud (as)
- Yunus (as)
- Musa (as)
Prophet Sulaiman (as) was known for his wisdom and knowledge, and was bestowed with many special gifts and powers, such as the ability to command wind and the mystical jinn, and could understand and speak the language of animals, birds and insects.
4) What does Zam Zam mean?
- Holy water
- Water well
- Stop ✔️
- Drink
Ibn ‘Abbaas said: The Prophet (ﷺ) added, “May Allah bestow Mercy on Ismaa’eel’s mother! Had she left the Zamzam alone (flowing without trying to control it) (or had she not scooped from that water) (to fill her water-skin), Zamzam would have been a stream flowing on the surface of the earth.”
5) What 2 things does a person lose if he/she misses Asr salah intentionally?
- Friends
- Family ✔️
- Property ✔️
- Time
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Whoever misses the `Asr prayer (intentionally) then it is as if he lost his family and property.” (Sahih Bukhari 552)
6) What is Az-Zaqqum?
- Food for the people of hellfire ✔️
- Drink for the people of hellfire
- Home for the people of hellfire
- Clothes for the people of hellfire
“Then indeed you, O those astray [who are] deniers, Will be eating from trees of zaqqum” (Quran 56:51-52)
7) What is Sidrat al-Muntaha?
- Food for the people of Jannah
- An olive tree of the farthest boundary
- A lote tree of the farthest boundary ✔️
- Drink for the people of Jannah
“And indeed he (Muhammad (ﷺ) saw him (Jibreel) at a second descent (i.e., another time), near Sidrat al-Muntaha (the lote tree of the utmost boundary, beyond which none can pass), near it is the Paradise of Abode, when that covered the lote-tree which did cover it!” (Quran 53:13-16)
8) What was the relation between Prophet Musa (alayhi as-salaam) & Prophet Haroon (alayhi as-salaam)?
- Cousins
- Brothers ✔️
- Father & son
- Friends
“And Allah sent Haroon, the brother of Musa as a support to Musa when He wanted to send him to Pharaoh, to call him to worship Allah. This was in response to the request of Musa:
“And We granted him his brother Haroon (Aaron), (also) a Prophet, out of Our Mercy” [Quran 19:53]
9) Which 2 surahs are for seeking protection in Allah from evil-eye & witchcraft?
- Surah Yaseen
- Surah Falaq ✔️
- Surah Ikhlas
- Surah Naas✔️
It was narrated that Abu Sa’id al-Khudri (r) said:
“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) used to seek refuge with Allah from the jinn and from the evil eye until the Mu’awwidhatayn (the last two chapters of the Quran, al-Falaq and al-Nas) were revealed, and when they were revealed he started to recite them and not anything else.” (Tirmidhi, Nasaa’i, Ibn Maajah)
10) Which of the following is not an example of Major Shirk?
- Asking help from a Prophet
- Going to a pious person’s grave for blessings
- Denying Allah & His religion
- Showing off ✔️
The Prophet ﷺ said:
”What I fear for you the most is the minor shirk, that is ar-riya. Allah will say on the Day of Judgement when He is rewarding the people for their actions: Go to those for whom you did riya for in the world then see if you find the reward with them.” [Ahmad (5/428, 429)]
11) What does Allah’s name Al-Mu’izz mean?
- The One who dishonours
- The One who will judge
- The One who honours ✔️
- The One who sees it all
Say (O Muhammad ﷺ): “O Allah! Possessor of the kingdom, You give the kingdom to whom You will, and You take the kingdom from whom You will, and You endue with honour whom You will, and You humiliate whom You will. In Your Hand is the good. Verily, You are Able to do all things.” (Quran 3:26)
12) Whose dua Allah will not accept? 2 answers.
- A person who asks Allah many times
- A person who asks Allah using a dead person as an intermediary ✔️
- A person who asks Allah with tears
- A person who asks Allah with no focus ✔️
Anas ibn Malik reported: If a drought became threatening, Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, would ask Al-Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib to supplicate for Allah to send rain.
Umar would say, “O Allah, we used to ask our Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, to supplicate for rain and you would bless us with rain. Now we ask the uncle of our Prophet to supplicate for rain, so bless us with rain.” And so it would rain. (Sahih al Bukhari 964)
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Know that Allah does not answer a du’aa from a distracted heart.” (Tirmidhi, 3479; classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 245)
13) Who was a first cousin of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)?
- Abdullah ibn al-Abbas (ra) ✔️
- Abdullah ibn Umar (ra)
- Khalid ibn Waleed (ra)
- Abu Hurairah (ra)
Abdullah was the son of Abbas, an uncle of the Prophet ﷺ. He was born just three years before the Hijrah.
14) Who will get their book of deeds in the right hand on the Day of Judgment?
- The disbelievers
- The believers ✔️
- The hypocrites
- The leaders
“Then as for him who will be given his Record in his right hand will say: ‘Here! read my Record ‘Surely, I did believe that I shall meet my Account! So he shall be in a life, well‑pleasing. In a lofty Paradise,” (Quran 69:19-22)
15) What issue was Imam al-Bukhari (rh) born with and how as it fixed?
- Deaf & fixed with medicine
- Blind & fixed with medicine
- Deaf & fixed with mother’s dua
- Blind & fixed with mother’s dua ✔️
16) Who was Umar bin Abdul Aziz (r)? 2 answers.
- A companion of the Prophet (ﷺ)
- A caliph of Islamic empire ✔️
- Grandson of Umar ibn al-Khattab
- Great grandson of Umar ibn al-Khattab ✔️
17) In Jannah, what is Tuba?
- A fruit
- A tree ✔️
- A river
- A door
“Those who believe, and work righteousness, Tuba is for them and a beautiful place of (final) return.” (Quran 13:29)
Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri said that a man asked,
“O Allah’s Messenger! Tuba for those who saw you and believed in you!”
The Prophet ﷺ said, “Tuba is for he who saw me and believed in me. Tuba, and another Tuba, and another Tuba for he who believed in me, but did not see me.” A man asked, “What is Tuba?”
The Prophet ﷺ said, “A tree in Paradise whose width is a hundred years, and the clothes of the people of Paradise are taken from its bark.”
18) What does Allah’s name Al-Ghani mean?
- The Giver
- The Protector
- The Independant ✔️
- The Wise
“O mankind! You are the poor ones in need of Allah, where as Allah is the Rich Beyond Need , the Praiseworthy.” (Quran 35:15)
19) Which Surah was favoured over the rest of the Quran with two prostrations?
- Surah Hajj ✔️
- Surah Tawbah
- Surah Muhammad
- Surah Yaseen
Amr bin Al-Ass (r) narrated that “The Prophet (ﷺ) taught him (to read) 15 Sajda, 3 of which are in the Mufassal and 2 of which are in Surah Al-Hajj (22)”. [Abu Dawud, Al-Hakim, Ibn Majah, Daruqutni and Al-Mundiri said that ‘it is a sound Hadith’]
20) Which is not one of the rights of a Muslim upon another Muslim?
- If one invites, you accept it
- If one dies, you attend the funeral
- If one asks for advice, you give sincerely
- If one asks for money, you give ✔️
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “The rights of one Muslim over another are five: returning the greeting of salaam, visiting the sick, attending funerals, accepting invitations, and saying yarhamuk Allah (may Allah have mercy on you) to one who sneezes.” (Al-Bukhari (1240) and Muslim (2162))
21) Which Surah is referred as the oft-repeating verses Surah?
- Surah Ikhlas
- Surah Fatihah ✔️
- Surah Naas
- Surah Rahman
Abu Sa‘eed al-Mu‘alla (r) that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said to him: “I will surely teach you a soorah that is the greatest soorah in the Qur’an…” Then he said: “Al-hamdu Lillahi Rabb al-‘Aalameen… It is the seven oft-repeated verses and the Glorious Qur’an that I have been given (cf. al-Hijr 15:87).” (Bukhari 4474)
22) Which Angel will blow the horn to signal the Day of Judgement?
- Jibraeel (as)
- Mikaeel (as)
- Malik Ul Moat (as)
- Israfeel (as) ✔️
Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “How can I feel at ease when the Angel of the Trumpet, (Israfil) has put his lips to the Trumpet and is waiting for the order to blow it”. (Tirmidhi, Hasan)
23) Which Prophet (as) addressed the ruler King Nimrod?
- Prophet Ibrahim (as) ✔️
- Prophet Isa (as)
- Prophet Yusuf (as)
- Prophet Lut (as)
The Tafseer of Muhammad al-Kittaani Al-Idreesi reads, “Nimrood, the dictator and tyrant who considered himself to be god, the disbeliever, tried to inflict harm upon Ibrahim (Abraham), but Allah gave a sweeping victory to Ibrahim as Allah hit Nimrood and his people with the smallest and most despicable creation.
He sent mosquitoes upon them; a mosquito would enter their ears, and then their nostrils, and it would keep moving until it reached their brain; as a result, they died.”
24) Which uncle of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) didn’t accept Islam?
- Abdul Muttalib
- Hamza
- Abu Lahab ✔️
- Al-Abbas
“Perished be the hands of Abu Lahab and ruined he be, Neither his wealth nor what he has earned shall avail him. He shall shortly roast in a flaming fire. And his wife — laden with faggots, Shall have a rope of palm fiber round her neck.” (Qur’an 111:1-5)
25) What are you not allowed to do in Sujood?
- Make dua in Arabic
- Recite Quran ✔️
- Make dua in another language
- Recite adhkar
The Prophet ﷺ said: “I have been forbidden to recite the Quran in the state of bowing and prostration. So whilst bowing, extol the Lord in it, and while you are in prostration strive your hardest supplicating, as it is most likely that you will be responded to.” [Muslim]
26) Which Surah doesn’t begin with the basmallah?
- Surah Rahman
- Surah Yasin
- Surah Fatihah
- Surah Tawbah ✔️
Imam an-Nawawi (r) said:
“He should always recite Bismillah ir-Rahmaan ir-Raheem at the beginning of every Surah except Surah Baraa’ah (at-Tawbah), because the majority of scholars said that it is a verse wherever it is written in the Mushaf, and it was written at the beginning of all the soorahs except Surah at-Tawbah.
If he recites it at the beginning of every soorah (other than at-Tawbah), then there is certainty that he had recited the entire Qur’an or Surah, and if he fails to recite the Basmalah, he has omitted part of the Qur’an according to the majority.” (at-Tibyaan fi Adaab Hamalat al-Qur’aan, 100)
27) How did Abu Hurairah (ra) stop forgetting and had an amazing memory?
- The Prophet ﷺ made dua for him (r)
- The Prophet ﷺ blessed his (r) clothing sheet ✔️
- He (r) ate lots of nuts
- He (r) drank a lot of milk
Abu Hurairah (r) reported: I said, “O Messenger of Allah, I hear many traditions from you and I forget them.”;
The Prophet (s) said: “Spread open your garment.”; I spread it and then he placed something from his hand into it, saying, “Wrap it.”.
I wrapped it around me and I never forgot a tradition ever again. (Sahih Bukhari 3448)
28) What is Abu Bakr (r)’s full name?
- Abdur Rahman ibn Uthman
- Uthman ibn Abdullah
- Abdullah ibn Uthman ✔️
- Abdullah ibn Abdur Rahman
His full name is Abdullah bin Abu Quhafah Uthman bin Aamer Al Qurashi Al Taymi. His lineage joins with that of the Prophet ﷺ six generations before himself, in Murrah Ben Kaab.
29) For whom is this dua for? – Rabbir Humhumma Kama Rabba Yaani Sahgeera
- Children
- Parents ✔️
- Whole Ummah
- The Deceased
“My Lord! Be merciful to them as they raised me when I was young.” (Quran 17:24)
30) Why does Allah allow suffering to happen? 2 answers.
- Because life is a test ✔️
- Because we were born to suffer
- Because Allah likes us to suffer
- Because we appreciate the good even more
“We will certainly test you with a touch of fear and famine and loss of property, life, and crops. Give good news to those who patiently endure.” (Quran 2:155)
31) How many gates of Jannah are there?
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8 ✔️
The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘Whoever performs Wudu’ and does it well, then says: “Ashhadu an la ilaha ill-Allah was ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh (I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is his slave and Messenger),” eight gates of Paradise will be opened for him, and he may enter through whichever one he wishes.’” (Sunan Nisaai, Sahih)
32) What is not one of the conditions of the Shahada?
- Knowledge (Ilm)
- Submission (Inqiyad)
- Memorisation (Hifz) ✔️
- Sincerity (Ikhlas)
33) Who was the only person did the Prophet ﷺ pray a full rakat behind?
- Abu Bakr (r)
- Umar ibn al Khattab (r)
- Abdur Rahman ibn Awf (r) ✔️
- Bilal ibn Rabah (r)
In the wording of Ahmad: “Al-Mugheerah Ibn Shu’bah said: “…I saw the Prophet ﷺ praying behind Abdur-Rahmaan Ibn ‘Awf one Rak’ah of Fajr [as he had missed one Rak’ah] and I saw the Prophet ﷺ, wiping over his socks.”
34) Which fruit is mentioned in the Quran?
- Grapes ✔️
- Apples
- Mangoes
- Oranges
“By means of it We produce gardens of dates and grapes for you, in which there are many fruits for you and from which you eat. (23:19)”
35) Where is it not allowed to pray Salah? (2 answers)
- Inside the Kaaba
- On top of the Kaaba ✔️
- Graveyard ✔️
- Market
Ibn ‘Umar relates that the Prophet ﷺ in seven places: “dunghills, slaughterhouses, graveyards, middle of the road, bathhouses, watering places where the camels drink and rest, and onthe roof of the house of Allah [the Ka’bah in Makkah].” [Ibn Majah, ‘Abd ibn Humaid, and Tirmidhi]
36) What is another name given to the Quran?
- Ar-Rahmaan
- Al-Baqarah
- Al-Furqan ✔️
- Al-Sahih
“The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Quran, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong)…” (Quran 2:185)
37) Which Khalifah took control of Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem?
- Abu Bakr (Radhi’Allah Annhu)
- Umar ibn al-Khattab (Radhi’Allah Annhu) ✔️
- Uthman ibn Affan (Radhi’Allah Annhu)
- Ali ibn Abi Talib (Radhi’Allah Annhu)
The Bishop of Jerusalem handed over the keys of the city of Jerusalem to Umar ibn Al-Khattab. No killing or destruction was carried out by Muslims. It was a peaceful transition and all the holy sites of Christians were left untouched.
Caliph Umar signed a treaty with Sophronius and as a result, Christians were allowed to live in the city, but must pay jizya, or tax. Read more.
38) What is the consultation between the Muslim leader and the followers called?
- Ijma
- Shura ✔️
- Shariah
- Daleel
Shura is an Arabic word that literally means consultation and, in its simplest form, as an Islamic principle. Chapter 42 of the Quran is called Ash-Shurra (The Consultation).
39) How many Prophets did Prophet Muhammad ﷺ meet on the different heavens during Isra wal Miraaj?
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8 ✔️
Muhammad ﷺ met the Prophets Adam, Yahya (John), Isa (Jesus), Yusuf (Joseph), Idris, Harun (Aaron), Musa (Moses), and Ibrahim (Abraham) and visit hell and paradise.
40) In which battle did some Muslim archers disobey the order of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ?
- Battle of Badr
- Battle of Uhud ✔️
- Battle of Khaybar
- Battle of Khandaq
This is the mountain that the Prophet ﷺ ordered the archers to remain on during the Battle of Uhud.
The number of archers was fifty men who were in charge of protecting the backs of the Muslim fighters.
They disobeyed the orders of the Prophet ﷺ as they thought that the battle was over.
41) At what age does a person become an adult in Islam?
- 18 years old
- 10 years old
- Puberty ✔️
- 15 years old
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “The pen is lifted from three people: a sleeping person until he awakens, a child until he becomes an adult, and an insane person until he regains his sanity.”
In another narration, the Prophet said, “A young boy until he reaches puberty.” (Sunan al-Tirmidhī 1423)
42) Who is one of the 4 best women of Jannah?
- Aasiya (wife of Firawn) ✔️
- Hajar (wife of Ibrahim (as))
- Aisha (wife of Muhammad ﷺ)
- Ruqayyah (wife of Uthman)
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “The best of women among the people of Paradise are Khadija bint Khuwaylid, Fatimah bint Muhammad, Maryam bint ‘Imran, and ‘Asiyah bint Muzahim, the wife of Pharaoh.” (Musnad Aḥmad 2896)
43) Which Prophet (as) is mentioned the most in the Quran by name?
- Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
- Prophet Isa (as)
- Prophet Musa (as) ✔️
- Prophet Adam (as)
He was mentioned 136 times. He was mentioned the most in the Quran, as his story and the morals within them transcends time and has great value in Islamic history. Read about all the Prophets mentioned and the number of times.
44) What is the linguistic meaning of Taraweeh?
- To rest ✔️
- To pray
- To stay up
- To sleep
The Word Taraweeh ( تراويح ) comes from an Arabic word. The root word of Tarabih (Taraweeh) is rauh or raha. In the Arabic language, Rauh or Raha means taking rest.
45) What is the linguistic meaning of Ramadan?
- To fast
- To suffer
- To burn the sins ✔️
- To race
Imam Qurtubi said: “It (this month) was named Ramaḍān because it burns the sins of people with righteous deeds.”
46) The scholars have divided shirk into how many types?
- 2 ✔️
- 3
- 4
- 5
47) Which pillar was commanded in the journey of al Isra wal Miraaj?
- Fasting Ramadan
- Performing Hajj
- Praying 5 Times Salah ✔️
- Paying Zakat
Al-Bukhaari (349) and Muslim (162) narrated from Anas ibn Maalik (r) the famous hadeeth of the Isra’ (Prophet’s Night Journey) in which it is reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
“Then Allah revealed what He revealed to me, and enjoined fifty prayers on me every day and night. I came back down to Moosa (as) and he said: What did your Lord enjoin upon your ummah? I said: Fifty prayers. He said: Go back to your Lord and ask Him to reduce it… I kept going back and forth between my Lord, may He be blessed and exalted, and Moosa (peace be upon him), until He said: ‘O Muhammad, they are five prayers each day and night, for every prayer there will be a tenfold (reward), and that is fifty prayers.”
48) For whom bad deeds are not written?
- Before puberty age ✔️
- After puberty age
- Sick people
- Non-Muslims
The Messenger of Allah, ﷺ said, “The pen is lifted from three people: a sleeping person until he awakens, a child until he becomes an adult, and an insane person until he regains his sanity.”
In another narration, the Prophet ﷺ said, “A young boy until he reaches puberty.” [Sunan al-Tirmidhī 1423 | Sahih]
49) Which Angel is Hellfire’s gatekeeper?
- Jibraeel (as)
- Mikaeel (as)
- Maalik (as) ✔️
- Israfeel (as)
“Surely, the disbelievers will be in the torment of Hell to abide therein forever. (The torment) will not be lightened for them, and they will be plunged into destruction with deep regrets, sorrows and in despair therein. We wronged them not, but they were the wrongdoers.
And they will cry: ‘O Malik! Let your Lord make an end of us’ He will say: ‘Surely, you shall abide forever.’ Indeed We have brought the truth to you, but most of you have a hatred for the truth” (Quran 43:74-78)
50) What is the hidden Shirk?
- Drinking alcohol & gambling
- Gossiping & lying
- Showing off your good deeds ✔️
- Keeping your good deeds secret
Abu Sa’eed (r) narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said:
“Shall I not tell you about that which I fear more for you than the Dajjaal?” We said: “Yes.” He said: “Hidden Shirk; which is when a man stands to pray and makes it look good because he sees a man looking at him.” [Ahmad and Ibn Maajah. Al-Haakim classified it as authentic]
51) How many times was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)’s heart physically washed by Angel Jibraeel?
- 0
- 1
- 2 ✔️
- 3
52) Which is the correct order of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ marriages to these 4 wives?
- Aisha, Khadija, Zaynab & Hafsa
- Khadija, Aisha, Hafsa & Zaynab ✔️
- Khadija, Hafsa, Aisha & Zaynab
- Aisha, Hafsa, Khadija & Zaynab
53) Which of the following is not part of Tawheed Ar-Rububiyyah?
- Allah alone created everything
- Allah alone do we worship ✔️
- Allah alone owns everything
- Allah alone controls everything
The oneness of Allah’s Lordship (Tawheed Ar Rububiyyah) is the belief that Allah alone has created the universe, that He alone is its Provider and Sustainer, and that He has complete ownership and power over His creation.
In other words, Allah is one and unique in regard to His actions, such that no creature shares His power in creating and managing the universe.
54) What should you do if you forget to say Bismillah before eating?
- Say Astaghfirullah
- Say Bismillah
- Say Bismillah Awwalahu wa Aakhiruhu ✔️
- It’s ok, keep eating
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “When one of you eats, let him mention the name of Allah. If he forgets to mention the name of Allah at the beginning, let him say: In the name of Allah at the beginning and at the end (Bismillahi awwalahu wa aakhirahu).” (Abu Dawud 3767, Tirmidhi 1858 & Ibn Majah 3264)
55) Why did the Muslims change their qibla (prayer direction) from Jerusalem to Makkah?
- They hated the Jews
- Prophet Muhammad ﷺ wanted to do so
- Allah commanded it ✔️
- The sahaba wanted to do so
“So turn your face [i.e., yourself] toward al-Masjid al-Haram. And wherever you [believers] are, turn your faces [i.e., yourselves] toward it [in prayer]…” (Quran 2:144)
56) Reciting Surah Fatiha in each rakat of the salah is…
- Optional
- Encouraged
- Not necessary
- A must ✔️
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “There is no prayer for the one who does not recite the Opening of the Book [i.e., al-Fatiha].” (Bukhari 714)
57) What was the first masjid Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) built?
- Masjid Quba ✔️
- Masjid an Nabawi
- Masjid al Haram
- Masjid al Aqsa
Ibn al-Qayyim (r) said in Zaad al-Ma’aad (3/58), when describing the arrival of the Messenger ﷺ in Madeenah:
The Muslims said takbeer, rejoicing at his arrival, and they went out to meet him… He continued until he stopped in Quba’, among Banu ‘Amr ibn ‘Awf, and he stayed among them for fourteen days, and founded the mosque of Quba’, which is the first mosque to be established after the beginning of his Prophethood.
58) What was the name of the flying animal on which Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) travelled to the heavens?
- Mikaeel
- Buraaq ✔️
- Miraaj
- Suraaq
59) What is the reward for reciting Surah Ikhlas 10 times?
- A palace in Paradise ✔️
- A huge tree in Paradise
- A special fountain in Paradise
- A delicious meal in Paradise
The Prophet ﷺ said, “Whoever recites the chapter ten times completely, ‘He is Allah, the One’ (112:1), Allah will build a palace for him in Paradise.” (Musnad Ahmad 15183 | Sahih (authentic) Al-Albani)
60) Who is the only Sahaba whose name is mentioned in the Quran?
- Abu Bakr as Siddiq (r)
- Zayd ibn Haarith (r) ✔️
- Umar ibn al Khattab (r)
- Khalid ibn Waleed (r)
“…So when Zayd had no longer any need for her, We married her to you…” (Quran 33:37)
61) Which act will not break Wudu?
- Saying bad words ✔️
- Fainting
- Touching private part without barrier
- Eating camel meat
62) Which pillar was commanded in the journey of al Isra wal Miraaj?
- Fasting Ramadan
- Performing Hajj
- Praying 5 times a day ✔️
- Paying Zakat
Al-Bukhari (349) and Muslim (162) narrated from Anas ibn Maalik (r) the famous hadeeth of the Isra’ (Prophet’s Night Journey) in which it is reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
“Then Allah revealed what He revealed to me, and enjoined fifty prayers on me every day and night. I came back down to Musa (as) and he said: What did your Lord enjoin upon your ummah? I said: Fifty prayers.
He said: Go back to your Lord and ask Him to reduce it… I kept going back and forth between my Lord, may He be blessed and exalted, and Musa (peace be upon him), until He said: ‘O Muhammad, they are five prayers each day and night, for every prayer there will be a tenfold (reward), and that is fifty prayers.”
63) How old was Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when he got the first revelation?
- 25 years old
- 35 years old
- 40 years old ✔️
- 63 years old
It was in the year 610. Read about he ﷺ received the revelation of the Quran.
64) What does Tawheed mean?
- Belief in Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
- Belief in the Angels (as)
- Belief the Oneness of Allah ✔️
- Belief in the Day of Judgement
65) Who narrated the most number of ahadeeth?
- Abu Hurayrah (r) ✔️
- Abdullah ibn Umar (r)
- Anas ibn Maalik (r)
- Aisha bint Abu Bakr (r)
Abu Hurayrah (Abdur-Rahman) d.59 AH at the age of 78; he narrated 5,374 Ahadith. The number of his students reaches 800.
66) What does Shirk mean?
- Putting partners to Allah ✔️
- Lying to others
- Killing others
- Disobeying parents
67) Which is not one of the 5 pillars of Islam?
- Ramadan
- Praying the 5 Salah
- Zakat
- Paradise ✔️
Islam is based on five pillars which the Messenger ﷺ has explained for us, when he said: “Islam is built upon five [pillars]: the testimony that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; establishing regular prayer (salah); paying the zakaah; Hajj (pilgrimage) and fasting Ramadan.” (Bukhari, 8)
68) How many Prophets (as) are mentioned by name in the Quran?
- 25 ✔️
- 313
- 110,000
- 124,000
69) When will the Prophet ﷺ intercede for us?
- In his ﷺ grave
- On the Day of Resurrection ✔️
- In our graves
- On the Sirat
Allah says: “It may be that your Lord will raise you to Maqaam Mahmood (a station of praise and glory, i.e., the honour of intercession on the Day of Resurrection)” [Quran 17:79]. Read all the of the different types of intercessions he ﷺ will do.
70) Which 3 types of people Jibraeel (as) & the Prophet (ﷺ) cursed? (Select 3)?
- The one who doesn’t serve his elderly parents ✔️
- The one who doesn’t gain forgiveness in Ramadan ✔️
- The one who doesn’t send salawat upon the Prophet (ﷺ) when hearing his (ﷺ) name ✔️
- The one who doesn’t reply to salaam
Kaab Ibn Ujrah (radiallahu anhu) relates that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “Come near to the minbar”, and we came near the minbar.
When he climbed the first step of the minbar, he said “Amin”, When he ascended the second step, he said “Amin”, When he climbed the third step, he said “Amin”. When he came down, We said: “O Messenger of Allah (ﷺ), we have heard from you today something which we never heard before.”
He said: “When I climbed the first step, the angel Jibreel (alayhi salam) appeared before me and said: “Destruction to him who found the blessed month of Ramadhan and let it pass by without gaining forgiveness”, upon that I said ‘Amin’.
When I climbed the second step, he said: “Destruction to him before whom your name is taken and then he does not make Du’a for Allah’s blessing on me (by saying, for example sallallahu alayhi wasalam).”, I replied ‘Amin’.
When I climbed the third step, he said: “Destruction unto him in whose lifetime his parents or either one of them reaches old age, and (through failure to serve them) he is not allowed to enter Jannah”., I said ‘Amin’.”
[Ibn Hibbaan, 3/188; also narrated by Al-Baihaqi and Al-Haakim; classed as saheeh by Shaykh Al-Albani in Saheeh al-Targheeb, 1679]
71) The angels at the Battle of Badr copied which sahabi’s yellow turban?
- Sa’ad ibn Abi Waqqas (r)
- Bilal ibn Rabbah (r)
- Zubayr ibn Awwam (r) ✔️
- Ali ibn Abi Taalib (r)
Ibn Hajar (rahimahullah) has written that Imam Ibn Sa’d (rahimahullah) has recorded a narration with an authentic chain stating that Zubayr (radiyallahu’anhu) wore a yellow turban on the day of Badr.
Rasulullah (sallallahu’alayhi wasallam) then said:’Indeed the Angels descended [to assist the Muslim army] in the same sign [clothing] as Zubayr.’ (Tabaqat Ibn Sa’d, vol.3 pg.103 & Al-Isabah, number: 2796)
72) Why we should not curse time?
- Because it will bring bad luck
- Because Allah says He is Time ✔️
- Because Allah says He will cut our time
- Because it will bring good luck
Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: “Allah says, ‘The sons of Adam offend Me and say, Woe to time, but they should not say Woe to time. I am time, I alternate the night and the day, and if I willed, I could seize them both.’” (Muslim 5827). Click here to learn more about this hadith.
73) In Islam, the one who doesn’t acknowledge the rights of the elders is..
- Acceptable at times
- Not from the Muslims ✔️
- Punished in Hellfire forever
- Same as being a murderer
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Whoever does not show mercy to our young ones, or acknowledge the rights of our elders, is not one of us.” (Musnad Aḥmad 7033 | Sahih (authentic) according to Ahmad Shakir)
74) What is the name of Madinah in the Quran?
- Bakkah
- Quds
- Marwah
- Yathrib ✔️
“And when a faction of them said, “O people of Yathrib, there is no stability for you [here], so return [home].”
And a party of them asked permission of the Prophet, saying, “Indeed, our houses are unprotected,” while they were not exposed. They did not intend except to flee.” (Quran 33:13)
75) According to the Prophet ﷺ, honesty leads to what? (2 answers)?
- Life span increase
- Righteousness ✔️
- Paradise ✔️
- Children increase
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “You must be truthful. Verily, truthfulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise. A man continues to be truthful and encourages honesty until he is recorded with Allah as truthful.
And beware of falsehood. Verily, falsehood leads to wickedness and wickedness leads to the Hellfire. A man continues tell lies and encourages falsehood until he is recorded with Allah as a liar.” (Sahih Bukhari 6094 & Sahih Muslim 2607)
76) In sujood, which body part shouldn’t be touching the ground?
- Forearms ✔️
- Nose
- Feet
- Hands
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Be straight in prostration and let none of you put his forearms on the ground like a dog.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 788, Sahih Muslim 493)
77) Which wife of the Prophet ﷺ had children and was a widow when he ﷺ married her?
- Hafsa (r)
- Khadija (r)
- Zaynab bint Jahsh (r)
- Umm Salamah (r) ✔️
78) Which of the following is the name of Allah with the meaning – The Most Loving One?
- Al-Majeed
- Al-Wadud ✔️
- Al-Muqtadir
- Al-Waarith
“And He is the Most-Forgiving, the Most-Loving,” (Qur’an 85:14)
79) Which battle happened in Ramadan?
- Battle of Badr ✔️
- Battle of Khandaq
- Battle of Uhud
- Battle of Hunayn
80) How many times more reward does one gets for praying salah inside Masjid al Aqsa?
- 250 times more
- 500 times more ✔️
- 1,000 times more
- 50,000 times more
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “A prayer in Makkah (Ka’bah) is worth 1000,000 times (reward), a prayer in my Masjid (Madinah) is worth 1,000 times and a prayer in Al-Aqsa Sanctuary is worth 500 times more reward than anywhere else.” [Tabarani, Bayhaqi, Suyuti]
81) Allah says, with His knowledge, He is more closer to us than our ________?
- Thoughts
- Heart
- Jugular Vein ✔️
- Blood
“And indeed We have created man, and We know whatever thoughts his inner self develops, and We are closer to him than (his) jugular vein.” (Quran 50:16)
82) Which Prophet (as) was tested with a severe illness by Allah?
- Prophet Yusuf (as)
- Prophet Ayub (as) ✔️
- Prophet Idris (as)
- Prophet Musa (as)
83) What is the virtue for praying the 4 voluntary salah before and after Dhuhr fardh salah?
- Protection from Hellfire ✔️
- Palace in Jannah
- 1000 sins forgiven
- 1000 good deeds written
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Whoever prays four (rak’ahs) before Dhuhr and four after it, the Fire will not touch him.” (Al-Nasaa’i 1817 and al-Tirmidhi 428)
84) When does Allah say we should say Innā lillāhi wa innā ilayhi rāji‘ūn?
- Only at someone’s death
- When any calamity happens ✔️
- Wishing someone dies
- When you read it in the Quran
Allah says: “We will certainly test you with a touch of fear and famine and loss of property, life, and crops. Give good news to those who patiently endure—
who, when faced with a disaster, say, “Surely to Allah we belong and to Him we will ˹all˺ return.” (Quran 2:155-156)
85) What is the encouraged Sunnah way to show appreciation to a fellow Muslim for his/her kind act?
- Saying Jazak’Allahu Khayr ✔️
- Saying Jazak’Allahu
- Saying Thank You
- Saying Well Done
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Whoever has a favour done for him and says to the one who did it, ‘Jazak Allaahu khayran,’ has done enough to thank him.” (Tirmidhi 1958 & Nasaa’i in al-Sunan al-Kubra (6/53) | Hasan by Al-Albani)
86) What is the Arabic word for Allah’s inspiration or revelation to a Prophet (as) called?
- Seerah
- Wahyi ✔️
- Iqra
- Daleel
87) Which side did Prophet Muhammad ﷺ encourage us not to sleep on?
- Back side
- Left side
- Right side
- Stomach side ✔️
Ya’eesh ibn Tihfah al-Ghifaari reported that his father said:
“I stayed as a guest with the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) with those of the poor whom he hosted. The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) came out in the night to check up on his guests, and saw me lying on my stomach.
He prodded me with his foot and said, ‘Do not lie in this manner, for it is a way of lying that Allah hates.’”
According to another report, the Prophet (ﷺ) prodded him with his foot and woke him up, and said, “Do not lie like this, for this is how the people of Hell lie.”
(Reported by Ahmad, al-Fath al-Rabbaani, 14/244-245; by al-Tirmidhi, no. 2798, Shaakir edn.; and by Abu Dawood, al-Sunan, Kitaab al-Adab, no. 5040, al-Da’aas edn. Also reported in Saheeh al-Jaami’, 2270-2271)
88) One type of minor shirk is the hidden shirk, what is it?
- Showing off ✔️
- Saying bad words
- Being selfish
- Not praying salah
Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, came to us while we were discussing the False Messiah.
The Prophet ﷺ said, “Shall I not tell you about my greater fear for you than the False Messiah?” We said, “Of course!”
The Prophet ﷺ said, “It is hidden idolatry, that a man stands for prayer and beautifies his prayer when he sees another man looking at him.”
(Sunan Ibn Mājah 4204)
89) What are the two benefits of maintaining family ties?
- Increase in provision ✔️
- Status of a martyr
- Status of a Quran hafidh
- Increase in life ✔️
The Prophet ﷺ said:
“Whoever would like his rizq (provision) to be increased and his life to be extended, should uphold the ties of kinship.” (Bukhari 5986 and Muslim 2557)
90) Which body part(s) shouldn’t be touching the floor during sujood?
- Toes
- Nose
- Fingers
- Elbows ✔️
The Prophet ﷺ said:
“Be straight in the prostrations and none of you should put his forearms on the ground (in the prostration) like a dog.” (Al-Bukhari)
91) Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said he ﷺ and Prophet Isa (as) are like what?
- Father and son
- Brothers ✔️
- Cousins
- Friends
The Prophet ﷺ said:
“I am the closest of the people to Jesus the son of Mary in this life and in the Hereafter.” It was said, “How is that, O Messenger of Allah?”
The Prophet ﷺ said,“The prophets are brothers from one father with different mothers. They have one religion and there was no other prophet between us.” (Sahih Muslim 2365)
92) Who was the only human to whom Allah blew the soul into him by Himself?
- Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)
- Prophet Isa (as)
- Prophet Musa (as)
- Prophet Adam (as) ✔️
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:
”When Allah created Adam, He breathed the soul into him, then he sneezed and said: ‘All praise is due to Allah.’ So he praised Allah by His permission. Then His Lord said to him: ‘May Allah have mercy upon you O Adam…” (Tirmidhi 3367, Hasan)
93) What does Allah’s name Al-Musawwir mean?
- The Fashioner ✔️
- The Provider
- The Judge
- The Most High
Allah says:
“He is Allah: the Creator, the Inventor, the Shaper…” (Quran 59:24)
94) For which 2 reasons can a Muslim keep a dog?
- Protection ✔️
- As a pet
- For racing
- For hunting ✔️
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:
“Whoever keeps a dog, his good deeds will decrease every day by one qeeraat (a unit of measurement), unless it is a dog for farming or herding.” According to another report: “. . . unless it is a dog for herding sheep, farming or hunting.” (Sahih Bukhari 2322)
95) During which battle did Prophet Muhammad (s) strike a massive rock once and it got smashed into pieces?
- Battle of Badr
- Battle of Uhud
- Battle of Khandaq ✔️
- Battle of Tabuk